Oversættelser af juridiske aftaler og politikker tilvejebringes udelukkende for nemheds skyld for at gøre det nemmere at læse og forstå de engelske versioner. Målet med at tilvejebringe oversættelser af juridiske aftaler og politikker er ikke at skabe en juridisk bindende aftale, og disse udgør ikke en erstatning for den juridiske gyldighed af de engelske versioner. I tilfælde af eventuelle tvister og konflikter vil de engelske versioner af juridiske aftaler og politikker i ethvert tilfælde være gældende og have forrang i forhold til betingelserne på ethvert andet sprog.
GoDaddy spørgeundersøgelse konkurrencer og sweepstakes - standardbetingelser og vilkår
For at deltage i en GoDaddy spørgeundersøgelseskonkurrence ("konkurrence") eller sweepstakes (“sweepstakes”), skal du udfylde hele spørgeundersøgelsen, som sendes via e-mail til dig fra GoDaddy under kampagneperioden, som er anført i de kampagnespecifikke regler nedenfor, med fuldstændige besvarelser, og du deltager automatisk (“deltager”). Hver person kan kun deltage én gang. Hvis du ikke ønsker at deltage automatisk i sweepstakes i henhold til betingelserne i dette afsnit, skal du e-maile Usability@GoDaddy.com inden udløbet af kampagneperioden, og din spørgeundersøgelse bliver ikke betragtet som en deltages i disse sweepstakes.
VIGTIG MEDDELELSE: Sponsor kan gennemgå alle og enhver tilmelding. Enhver tilmelding, som sponsor, alene efter dennes skøn og til enhver tid, anser som værende krænkende af betingelser og vilkår angivet i disse officielle regler, vil blive diskvalificerede.
Betingelser og vilkår specifikt for kampagnenDiscount Domain Club Survey - Monthly
- Promotion Period: The Sweepstakes begins at 12:00 a.m. ET on the first day of each month and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on the last day of each month (“Promotion Period”) while the survey is available on the GoDaddy website.
- Eligibility: Participation in this Contest and Sweepstakes is subject to the below criteria.
- United States: Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, including the District of Columbia (and excluding Puerto Rico), who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
- Canada: Open to legal residents of Canada, excluding Quebec and any other French-speaking territories, who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
- United Kingdom: Open to legal residents of the United Kingdom who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
- India: Open to legal residents of India who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
- Australia: Open to legal residents of Australia who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
- Employees, officers and directors of GoDaddy and their respective related companies and agents, as well as the immediate family (defined as parents, spouse, children, siblings and grandparents) and household members of each are not eligible to enter.
- Participation constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional acceptance of (i) these Official Rules; (ii) GoDaddy’s Privacy Policy located at https://www.godaddy.com/Agreements/Privacy.aspx; and (3) Winner Determination, which are final. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements as set forth in these Official Rules.
- Winner Determination:
- Sweepstakes: Prize winners will be randomly drawn by GoDaddy on or the first day of each month, beginning in March 2023. Drawings will limited to the first 500 responses. There will be one (1) winner each month. ALL POTENTIAL WINNING ENTRIES ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY SPONSOR, WHOSE DECISIONS ARE FINAL.
- Sweepstakes Prizes:
- One (1) prize will be awarded. Each prize will be issued in the form of a Visa gift card, with a value of $100 USD.
- Limit one (1) prize per person. No prize substitutions, no cash equivalent, and no transfer of prizes permitted except at the sole discretion of the Sponsor. Odds of winning a prize are based on the number of eligible Sweepstakes entries received during the Promotion Period. Winners are responsible for all federal, state, and local taxes, including without limitation any applicable income taxes on prizes and for any other expenses relating to the use of prizes.
Domain Activation Survey Sweepstakes - October 2024
- Promotion Period: The Sweepstakes begins at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time ("PT") on October 22, 2024 and end on November 3, 2024 (the “Promotion Period”) while the survey is available on the GoDaddy website.
- Eligibility: Participation in this Contest and Sweepstakes is subject to the below criteria.
- Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, including the District of Columbia (and excluding Puerto Rico), who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
- Employees, officers and directors of GoDaddy and their respective related companies and agents, as well as the immediate family (defined as parents, spouse, children, siblings and grandparents) and household members of each are not eligible to enter.
- Participation constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional acceptance of (i) these Official Rules; (ii) GoDaddy’s Privacy Policy located at https://www.godaddy.com/Agreements/Privacy.aspx; and (3) Winner Determination, which are final. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements as set forth in these Official Rules.
- How to Enter
- Entry into the Sweepstakes is automatic upon completion of the Domain Activation Survey provided by GoDaddy during the Sweepstakes Period. No further action or purchase is required to enter. For recipients of the October 23rd, 2024 email, the first 100 customers who complete the survey will automatically receive a $20 Tremendous.com e-gift card. For recipients of the October 30th, 2024 email, the first 50 customers who complete the survey will automatically receive a $20 Tremendous.com e-gift card. All eligible survey participants will also be entered into a random drawing to win one of two $500 Tremendous.com e-gift cards. Each participant may enter the Sweepstakes only once. Duplicate entries will be disqualified.
- Prizes
- The first 100 eligible participants of the October 23rd email and the first 50 eligible participants of the October 30th email who complete the Domain Activation Survey during the Sweepstakes Period will each receive a $20 Tremendous.com e-gift card, redeemable for GoDaddy services.
- Three (3) winners will be selected by random drawing to receive a $500 Tremendous.com e-gift card, redeemable for GoDaddy services.
- Drawings and Winner Selection
- The first drawing for one $500 Tremendous.com e-gift cards will be held on October 23, 2024.
- The second drawing for one $500 Tremendous.com e-gift card will be held on October 30, 2024.
- The third drawing, only for those entries submitted after November 4, 2024, for one $500 Tremendous.com e-gift card will be held on November 13, 2024.
- Winners will be selected at random from all eligible entries received during the Sweepstakes Period.
- Winner Notification
- Winners of the $500 Tremendous.com e-gift cards will be notified via the email address provided at the time of entry within five (5) days following each drawing. The $20 Tremendous.com e-gift cards will be distributed to the first 100 eligible participants via email within five (5) business days after their survey submission.
- All-Digital Format
- All aspects of this Sweepstakes, including entry, participation, and prize delivery are conducted digitally. No in-person participation or prize distribution is required.
WordCamp Sydney Sweepstakes – November 2-3, 2024
- Promotion Period: Entries will be collected during WordCamp Sydney on November 2nd and 3rd, 2024 (“Promotion Period”).
- Eligibility: Participation in this Sweepstakes is subject to the below criteria.
- The GoDaddy Inc. WordCamp Sydney Giveaway (the "Contest") is open only to attendees of WordCamp Sydney who are present at the time of the drawing. Employees of GoDaddy Inc., its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, and suppliers, (collectively the “Employees”), and immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of Employees are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
- Participation constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional acceptance of (i) these Official Rules; (ii) GoDaddy’s Privacy Policy located at https://www.godaddy.com/Agreements/Privacy.aspx; and (3) Winner Determination, which are final. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements as set forth in these Official Rules.
- How to Enter:
Contest will be held at WordCamp Sydney. Entries will be accepted online starting on the opening day of WordCamp Sydney and ending at the commencement of the closing remarks on November 3. To enter the Contest, visit the designated Contest entry page provided by GoDaddy Inc. and follow the instructions to complete and submit the online entry form. All entries must be received by the specified end time. Each participant may enter the Sweepstakes only once. Duplicate entries will be disqualified. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received
- Sweepstakes Prizes: The Winner of the Contest (the "Winner") will receive one (1) Nintendo Switch. The specifics of the prize shall be solely determined by GoDaddy Inc. No cash or other prize substitution shall be permitted except at GoDaddy Inc.’s discretion. The prize is nontransferable. Any and all prize-related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes, shall be the sole responsibility of Winner.
- Winner Selection and Notification: Winner will be selected by a random drawing under the supervision of GoDaddy Inc. Winner will be notified during the closing remarks on November 3 at WordCamp Sydney. GoDaddy Inc. shall have no liability for Winner’s failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the selected Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 15 minutes of the announcement, or fails to timely return a completed and executed declaration and release as required, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected.
- Must Be Present to Win: You must be present at the time of the drawing during the closing remarks on November 3 to win the prize.
Business Registration Survey Sweepstakes – January 2025
- Promotion Period: The Sweepstakes begins at 12:00 AM Pacific Time ("PT") on January 7, 2025, and ends at 11:59 PM PT on January 14, 2025 (the "Promotion Period").
- Eligibility: Participation in this Contest and Sweepstakes is subject to the below criteria.
- United States: Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, including the District of Columbia (and excluding Puerto Rico), who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
- Employees, officers and directors of GoDaddy and their respective related companies and agents, as well as the immediate family (defined as parents, spouse, children, siblings and grandparents) and household members of each are not eligible to enter.
- Participation constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional acceptance of (i) these Official Rules; (ii) GoDaddy’s Privacy Policy located at https://www.godaddy.com/Agreements/Privacy.aspx; and (3) Winner Determination, which are final. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements as set forth in these Official Rules.
- How to Enter:
Entry into the Sweepstakes is automatic upon completion of the Business Registration Survey provided by GoDaddy during the Sweepstakes Period. No further action or purchase is required to enter. The first 25 customers who complete the survey will automatically receive a $20 Tremendous.com e-gift card. All eligible survey participants will also be entered into a random drawing to win one of two $500 Tremendous.com e-gift cards. Each participant may enter the Sweepstakes only once. Duplicate entries will be disqualified.
- Sweepstakes Prizes:
- The first 25 eligible participants who complete the Business Registration Survey during the Sweepstakes Period will each receive a $20 Tremendous.com e-gift card, redeemable for GoDaddy services.
- Two (2) winners will be selected by random drawing to receive a $500 Tremendous.com e-gift card, redeemable for GoDaddy services.
- Drawings and Winner Selection:
- The drawing for two $500 Tremendous.com e-gift cards will be held on January 17, 2025.
- Winners will be selected at random from all eligible entries received during the Sweepstakes Period.
- Winner Notification:
Winners of the $500 Tremendous.com e-gift cards will be notified via the email address provided at the time of entry within five (5) days following each drawing. The $20 Tremendous.com e-gift cards will be distributed to the first 25 eligible participants via email within ten (10) business days after their survey submission. - All-Digital Format:
All aspects of this Sweepstakes, including entry, participation, and prize delivery, are conducted digitally. No in-person participation or prize distribution is required.
GoDaddy.com, LLC (“GoDaddy”), 14455 N. Hayden Road, Scottsdale, AZ 219, USA.
The following terms and conditions apply to all GoDaddy contests and survey sweepstakes. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY Generelle reglerDeltagere erklærer sig indforstået med, at hvis de vinder præmien i en konkurrence eller sweepstakes, skal de muligvis underskrive en W-9 formular og en “vinderfrigivelsesformular” fra GoDaddy.com LLC, som inkluderer, men ikke er begrænset til, følgende:
- bekræftelse af kvalifikationskravene,
- tilladelse til brug af navn, billede, stemme, hjemby, osv. på GoDaddys website og andre mediekanaler og i hvilke som helst omtale, kampagne eller reklame,
- GoDaddy ejer alle spørgeundersøgelsesresultater
- frafald af alle erstatningskrav, søgsmålsgrunde, retssager eller krav af nogen som helst slags, kendte eller ukendte, inklusiv uden begrænsning, personskade, erstatningskrav eller andre krav, tab eller skader, som kan gøres gældende over for GoDaddy eller dets medarbejdere, agenter, ledende medarbejdere, partnere, datterselskaber, efterfølgere og anviste, som opstår på nogen måde i forbindelse med sweepstakes, meddelelse om vinderen eller præmien, som blev vundet.
Yderligere betingelser og vilkårDeltagere indvilliger i at alle og enhver uoverensstemmelser er underlagt lovene gældende i Arizona, USA. De skadesløsholdte parter er ikke ansvarlige for tryk- eller typografiske fejl i noget konkurrence- eller sweepstakesrelateret materiale, eller for elektronisk, computer eller telefonisk nedbrud eller fejl, inklusive manglende evne til at tilgå noget website, som er tilknyttet en nærmere angivet konkurrence eller sweepstakes.
Anmodninger om vinderliste og reglerHvis du vil have en kopi af en liste med vindere eller en kopi af reglerne til konkurrencen eller sweepstakes, skal du sende en adresseret frankeret kuvert til:
GoDaddy.com, LLC. spørgeundersøgelse sweepstakes
[Contest or Sweepstakes Name] - [Winner’s List or Rules Request].
14455 N. Hayden Road
Suite 219
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA
Anmodninger skal modtages inden for en (1) uge efter slutningen af de relevante sweepstakes. Mennesker der bor i VT kan udelade returporto.
Oversættelser af juridiske aftaler og politikker tilvejebringes udelukkende for nemheds skyld for at gøre det nemmere at læse og forstå de engelske versioner. Målet med at tilvejebringe oversættelser af juridiske aftaler og politikker er ikke at skabe en juridisk bindende aftale, og disse udgør ikke en erstatning for den juridiske gyldighed af de engelske versioner. I tilfælde af eventuelle tvister og konflikter vil de engelske versioner af juridiske aftaler og politikker i ethvert tilfælde være gældende og have forrang i forhold til betingelserne på ethvert andet sprog.