Managed WordPress Ecommerce Hjælp

Cart Recovery FAQ

Carts are abandoned when customers add an item to their cart and leave your shop before placing the order. You can recover lost revenue by sending recovery emails for abandoned carts.

Required: Abandoned cart tracking and cart recovery emails are built-in features included with Managed WordPress Ecommerce and Managed WooCommerce Stores.

Select a question to see its answer:

What is an abandoned cart?

A cart is abandoned when shopping activity has ended without the order being placed.

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What is a recovered cart?

A cart is considered recovered when a customer places an order by clicking on the cart recovery link sent in a recovery email.

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Can my customer recover their cart for an unlimited period?

When a customer’s last cart update is more than 14 days ago, the cart session will be considered expired and the recovery link in the email will no longer recreate the abandoned cart. If a customer clicks on an expired recovery link, then it will load an empty cart.

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When is a customer eligible to receive a recovery email?

Customers can receive a recovery email when they meet all these criteria:

  • When they have not opted out
  • When they abandoned their cart after filling in their email address on the checkout form
  • When there is not an email currently scheduled for the customer
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When is a recovery email not sent?

Customers will not receive a recovery email if they meet any of these criteria:

  • When a recovery email has already been sent to the customer
  • When a customer has placed an order within the last 5 days
  • When a customer has emptied their cart
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No, when registered customers click on the recovery link in the email, their abandoned cart will be recreated as a guest user. They can proceed to log in to make their purchase.

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What if a customer has multiple abandoned carts?

Emails are only sent for the most recent cart session to avoid duplicate emails. When multiple carts are stored for the same customer, the most recently created or updated cart since the customer's last order is considered the recoverable or abandoned cart

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  • Customer name
  • Customer email
  • Cart products and their details (product name, image, quantity, totals)
  • Applicable coupons
  • Cart sub-totals (taxes, fees)
  • Cart total
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