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PHP Extended Support

We’ve partnered with CloudLinux to introduce PHP Extended Support as a paid add-on for Web Hosting (cPanel) and Web Hosting Plus plans. PHP Extended Support will allow sites that run on end-of-life (EOL) versions of PHP to continue working without disruptions, compatibility issues, or extensive code reformatting. This innovative solution provides enhanced security for websites running legacy PHP versions on the GoDaddy Web Hosting (cPanel) and Web Hosting Plus platforms.

Bemærk: PHP.net understøtter fuldt ud hver version i kort tid. Gennemgå PHP -udgivelsesplanen på PHP.net .

What is PHP Extended Support?

PHP Extended Support is a paid add-on for websites hosted on versions of PHP that PHP.net no longer supports. This support includes ongoing security patches for outdated PHP versions to ensure a secure hosting environment.

What are the key benefits of using PHP Extended Support?

By using our PHP Extended Support, you can enjoy continued peace of mind with ongoing website security and avoid potential costs and disruptions associated with upgrading to newer PHP versions. This solution provides a seamless transition, safeguarding and enhancing your website's online presence.

When will the PHP Extended Support feature be available?

The PHP Extended Support feature is scheduled to launch in the fall of 2024 and will be gradually rolled out to all Web Hosting (cPanel) and Web Hosting Plus plans by the end of the year. Customers with Web Hosting (cPanel) and Web Hosting Plus subscriptions on EOL PHP versions will automatically receive the paid add-on with your next renewal.

How can I access the PHP Extended Support add-on?

You can access the PHP Extended Support add-on through your Web Hosting (cPanel) or Web Hosting Plus account. Upon your next renewal, the paid add-on will be automatically applied to accounts on versions of PHP no longer supported by PHP.net, providing continuous support for your websites.

Hvordan kan jeg fjerne denne funktion fra min hostingplan?

Du kan fjerne denne funktion ved at opgradere til en af de nyeste versioner af PHP, som i øjeblikket er i en aktiv livscyklus for PHP.net (PHP version 8.1, 8.2 eller 8.3).

Hvordan kan jeg fravælge og sørge for, at jeg ikke får den betalte tilføjelse?

All Web Hosting (cPanel) and Web Hosting Plus plans on old PHP versions will see a notification in their dashboard. Additionally, we’ll notify accounts with plans that bill monthly via email, and annual billed plans will see a separate line item in their renewal email when their plan renews. If you do not need the PHP Extended Support, you can easily upgrade to a PHP version currently supported by PHP.net (PHP versions 8.1, 8.2, or 8.3).

Kan jeg skifte tilbage, hvis nyere PHP -versioner bryder mit site?

Inden for planbegrænsninger kan du skifte tilbage til en ældre version, hvis en opgradering har uventede resultater.

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