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FAQ: Egypt debit and credit card restrictions

In October 2023, the Central Bank of Egypt told banks operating in Egypt to restrict customers from using credit and debit cards for transactions with merchants based outside of Egypt (cross-border). As a result, customers paying GoDaddy with credit and debit cards issued by Egyptian banks may be declined by their bank. With the adherence being determined by Egyptian banks, it's possible customers may successfully purchase a product one day and be unable to complete purchases the next day.

GoDaddy recently learned that some Egyptian banks may already be declining all cross-border debit card transactions as well as restricting cross-border credit card transactions by setting monthly limits and/or limiting purchasing in EGP only. Customers should check with their bank for any restrictions and relevant information.

How do I pay for my renewals?

GoDaddy supports 50+ payment options in a variety of currencies. We encourage you to pay for your renewals using the payment method of your choice.

For extra protection, you can enable any of your stored payment methods as backups to protect your auto-renewing products. If there is a problem with the payment method associated with your renewal, we may try to use internal payment options (for example, In-Store Credit or Good as Gold) before attempting your remaining, most recently used backup payment methods.

If you receive domain aftermarket or commission payouts from GoDaddy, you can use those funds to protect your auto-renewing products: Change your payee information to receive funds into your Good As Gold balance, and then enable your Good As Gold balance as a backup payment method. For more info, see Add or Change My Payee Information.

Can I pay with a payment method issued by a bank/financial institution in Egypt? What if I pay in a different currency?

GoDaddy will attempt to process your payment. These restrictions, however, apply to all transactions on payment method(s) issued by Egyptian banks. If your payment attempts are declined, please contact your payment provider to understand any restrictions that may be impacting your attempts to pay, and to identify alternatives like requesting an increase to any daily or monthly spending limits.

You can also try paying with an alternative payment method. For example, American Express offers a USD product in Egypt, so customers with Amex cards can spend freely both in-market and with merchants based outside of Egypt. See the American Express website for information on available AMEX card types in Egypt.

Can I pay with a payment method issued by a bank/financial institution outside of Egypt?

Yes, GoDaddy will attempt to process your payment. These restrictions do not apply to payment methods issued outside of Egypt; however, your payment provider or financial institution will determine whether the transaction is approved or declined.

Will you accept payments using Fawry, Meeza, Paymob, or other local payments?

No, GoDaddy does not support these payment methods at this time.

What if my card issuer no longer supports refunds?

Upon request, we will attempt to return eligible refunds to the original payment method. If for any reason, our refund attempts are declined by the payment provider, we will add those funds into In-Store Credit, so you can use them for future purchases.

Who can I contact with questions?

You can reach out to our 24/7 Customer Service team with additional questions.