GoDaddy Hjælp

Upgrade my monitored domain to a backorder

Note: As of August 8, 2024, backorder credits will no longer be available for purchase. Existing credits can be used until August 8, 2025, after which the credits will be removed from your account.

Upgrading a monitored domain to a backorder will give you the chance to acquire a registered domain. You'll still get notifications if there are any updates to the domain after upgrading

  1. Go to your GoDaddy My Products page. You might be prompted to sign in.
  2. Scroll down and select Domain Products and then select Manage next to Domain Backorder.
  3. Check the box next to the domain you'll be modifying, then select Upgrade to Backorder.
  4. Select Public for the backorder type.
  5. Select I have read and agree to ..., then select Next. If you don't have enough credits, select Buy Credits to purchase more, then come back here to complete the upgrade.
  6. Edit your contact information if necessary, then select Next.
  7. Review the confirmation message, then select OK.

Related steps

More info

  • Some domains have special requirements for registration.
  • Check out our Privacy FAQ for more details on how your information displays in WHOIS.