WordPress Hjælp

Duplicate posts and pages on my WordPress site

If you want to publish multiple similar posts or pages on your WordPress site, you can install and use the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin, so you do not have to create each post or page manually.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. On the left-side menu, select Plugins and then Add New.
  3. In the Search plugins bar, enter Yoast Duplicate Post.
  4. Select Install Now.
  5. Once installed, select Activate.
  6. (Optional) To choose which post or page elements you want to copy, on the left-side menu, select Settings and then Duplicate post. Make sure that the checkboxes next to the elements you want to copy are selected, clear other checkboxes and then select Save changes.
  7. On the left-side menu, select Posts or Pages, depending on which type of content you want to duplicate.
  8. Hover over the title of the post or page you want to duplicate and select Clone. This will create a new unpublished copy of that post or page that has Draft added after the title.
  9. To edit the duplicate post or page, select the title of the newly created draft and make the desired changes.

    Note: We advise you to edit any written duplicate content, to avoid the effects it can have on the SEO rankings of your site.

  10. Once you are satisfied with the changes, select Publish.

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