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Create headers in WordPress

Headers are important to both draw attention to certain text by increasing the size and boldness as well as to improve SEO. To set up a header, you must create or edit an existing post or page.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Edit the post or page in which you want to add a header.
  3. Highlight the text you want to change into a header.
  4. From the text box toolbar, use the drop-down menu to select the style of header you want to use.

    Note: If you do not see this drop-down, you may have a plugin or theme that has changed how this appears and will need to consult documentation for that plugin or theme.

  5. Select Publish or Update when you are finished making your changes.

Once you have saved your changes, you have added headers to your WordPress page or post.

More Info

  • Learn more about working with pages and posts in WordPress.